I am the product of many women. Wise women. Nurturing women. Women who see me. The kind of women who lift others up while they climb. The kind of women who invite you to own your greatness simply by authentically and effortlessly being themselves.
Oh, it's a beautiful sight to behold, and I have the pleasure of being surrounded by these women. Let me start by saying that no one story can contain all the women in my life who have shaped and molded me. For this Women's History Month article, I specifically wanted to spotlight some of the women entrepreneurs in my life (I definitely need a part II).
Each of these women I know personally, and they have all had a measured impact on my life. I invited each of them to answer a series of questions so that I could share the wealth of their wisdom and uplift other women. So buckle up, get your notepads out, turn on this curated Spotify playlist, and be encouraged by the phenomenal women who encourage me.
Melonie Pinder
Owner/CEO, Pinder Counseling LLC in central Florida
Pinder Counseling is a fully virtual, group private practice that offers outpatient therapy services to individuals, couples and families. Connect with Melonie and Pinder Counseling on Instagram and Facebook.

What is the most difficult decision you’ve had to make to pursue your destiny?
The most difficult decision was leaving my marketing career and jumping into a new field altogether. I spent 10 years growing in marketing and sales, building relationships, understanding the hospitality business altogether and making friends. So to start fresh as an intern in a completely new field was difficult and scary. However, it did not take long for me to quickly realize this was my path.
I enjoyed every moment of counseling. Along the way, I also learned the type of therapeutic methods that best fit my own values and beliefs, as well as the type of clients I was the most comfortable working with.
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
Don’t expect perfection right away, and be patient with yourself. In any new venture, it takes time to build and grow. There will undoubtedly be some learning moments along the way, but there’s supposed to be! Try not to dwell on perceived mistakes that you make along the journey, as it is a process.
The tagline for Pinder Counseling is “Trust the Process” because every part of life is a process. Therefore, it’s no different for your new entrepreneurial journey. Just be patient during the process.
What does dreaming big look like for you?
This is perhaps my favorite thing to do! I often get lost in my own thoughts about the potential for Pinder Counseling. Dreaming big for me is shaking up the mental health industry. There is a belief that therapists in the mental health field cannot be financially comfortable. In fact, before I switched my career, I made the decision that I was not going to struggle in this field despite the data I had researched.
The data I collected informed me that in Florida, I can expect to make less money than I was making in my marketing/sales career. However, I refused to let that be my story. Why should I return to school, obtain a Master's degree, and follow my passion only to struggle financially?! And so, dreaming big means making Pinder Counseling a premier group practice, full of diverse therapists with a wide breadth of experience, who are compensated adequately for the work they do.
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
I pour into other women as often as I can. Whether it be through consulting with other aspiring entrepreneurs, in every counseling session I have with other women, or my own family. My hope is that I use my voice and platform to enhance the lives of others by reminding them of their brilliance within.
Editor's note: I first met Melonie at the University of Central Florida over a decade ago. Among the many qualities that stood out to me were her warmth and beauty — inside and out. To see her shining brighter and brighter is inspiring and no surprise to those of us who know her. Melonie has ALWAYS been about her business, sharp, kind and excellence personified. She has personally poured into the lives of people I hold dear, and I will be forever grateful for her and her gifts.
Dana Miller
Owner/ Director, Little Smiling Faces Child Care Center, II in Mitchellville, Maryland
Little Smiling Faces (LSF) is a structured learning center that has provided quality care since 1995, and we make learning fun! If you would like to know more about us, check out our Facebook page, or you can schedule a tour of the Center. Call 301-218-1246 or email us at director@lsfdc.org.

What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
The most rewarding part is seeing the fruits of our labor: When the families come back to visit, write emails, or call just to tell us how well their children are doing in school. Many of our graduates go to higher grades, advanced reading groups, and I've even had children publish books.
Can you share a memorable moment in your career journey and what you learned from it? Every graduation is the most memorable time for me. I believe that our Center is an extension of home. I have a relationship with every child and their family. It warms my heart to watch the children graduate and remember how much each child has grown socially and emotionally. I break down every year and cry, which causes my teachers and parents to cry. They always say, "It's your fault, Mrs. Miller."
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
It's very important that you start with a business plan. We say in childcare that "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail." It is important to take what's in your mind, your vision of what God wants you to do, and write it down.
It becomes clearer when you write it down. Also, you will need this information to secure loans and grants to open your business.
What does dreaming big look like for you?
Dreaming big to me is thinking and planning for your future. Looking at all your gifts from God and nurturing them, but understanding that you may use each gift in different seasons of your life.
Editor's note: I met Mrs. Miller in mid-2021 after pulling Devin out of his former daycare due to the pandemic. We did a year of homeschooling with our beloved Ms. Carr, but it was time to send Devin back to school for structured learning. We heard rave reviews about Mrs. Miller and LSF from neighbors. She welcomed us with open arms, and I had such peace about sending my baby to a place where he would learn and be nurtured. Did I cry during dropoff? Yes! And I will never forget how Mrs. Miller and her team comforted me. My family LOVES them.
Sheneka Anthony
Serial Entrepreneur/Program Manager/Promoter of Self-Acceptance and Self-Actualization
Although my companies and corporate career seem unrelated, they are all tied together by the concepts of self-acceptance and self-actualization. After experiencing the opportunities that embracing both opened up in my world, it became important for me to promote the power of doing so for others. I have two businesses: 1. ToMaMe Tea, Instagram 2. Akenehs Solutions, Instagram. I'm also a Platform Program Manager at Granicus. The best way to reach me is at sheneka@akenehs.com.

What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
The most rewarding part about walking in my calling is the connections I've made with others and myself. There's a level of authenticity that I've been able to cover in every aspect of my life, and I enjoy sharing that with others. As a Black woman, I'm constantly battling people trying to put me in a box. The fact that I've avoided those boxes and am able to move in spaces that provide me the ability to show up as my true self is a direct result of embracing my calling.
That feels so good.
Can you share a memorable moment in your career journey and what you learned from it?
I once had a boss whom I really looked up to. He gave great advice and looked out for me. He left the company, and we went to dinner. During that dinner, he mentioned how he questioned my ability to be effective in certain roles, not due to a lack of skills or experience but due to my appearance (he was referencing my hair). That hurt.
I thought about changing my appearance for a moment, but only for a moment. I learned that although it is important to have someone who will advocate for you, it's also just as important to advocate for yourself, as you never know how others are filtering you. No one knows me like I know me, so I embraced making sure my voice is heard when I am the topic of discussion.
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
My background is in project management, and I've found that taking a project management approach to chase my dreams has been key. I dream BIG, and the key to seeing those dreams through is to plan and execute.
You can do ANYTHING, but that doesn't mean that you should do it all at once. Make a plan. Leave room for adjustments. Translate those dreams into small goals and get to conquering.
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
Knowing that society is more likely to tell women all of the ways in which we can blend in, I've taken to ensure I tell them all of the ways to stand out. Conformity is tempting because it comes with less resistance, but it also results in the blandest outcomes. We are individuals, and there's power in embracing that. From my mentorship program to speaking engagements to even just daily conversations, I make it a point to meet other women with grace and encouragement as often as possible.
Editor's note: Sheneka Anthony in all her glory is a beautiful sight to behold. I had the pleasure of getting to know her through our Black employee resource group at work, which we co-lead with another amazing Black woman. Sheneka is fierce, and she knows her worth. She readily pours into others at work and speaks truuuuuuuth! Do you hear me? Ha! She is my favorite project manager. Oh, and her teas are delicious. Make sure to check out her website.
Anna Stewart
Freelance Social Media Strategist
I help new small business owners and non-profit founders create, execute and maintain the voice of their brand via their social media presence and beyond. From being a thought partner to assisting in creating social media content, I ensure that every trailblazer has the tools to leave the impact that they are striving for on the world. Connect with me on Instagram.

What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
The most rewarding part of walking in my calling is watching the joy that clients feel when they realize how our joint efforts are positively impacting their businesses or organizations. When I see people feeling like they are making progress with their dreams because of my contributions, I feel extremely rewarded.
Can you share a memorable moment in your career journey and what you learned from it?
I had a client who had a non-profit organization, and she wanted to increase its social media presence. I did not have much background on the cause that her NPO supported, as it was very specific to her culture and where she was raised. Although I was extremely nervous, I challenged myself to still make her vision come to life while learning along the way.
Through the experience of creating content for this NPO and chatting with the client more and more, I was able to learn so much and connect to her and her mission in a very impactful way. This taught me that I do not have to go into each experience with an arsenal of knowledge on the topic, but listening and being open to learning could allow me to connect with things that fell way outside of my comfort zone.
What does dreaming big look like for you?
For me, dreaming big looks like hoping to walk into the experiences that I imagine for myself, but being ready to walk into the experience that I have never imagined. It is gall to see the world not how it has always been, but how it has never been before.
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
I have the joy of being surrounded by many strong women of all ages, walks of life, career levels, industries, and the list goes on. The thing that I lean into the most, and what seems to empower the women around me, is my ability to give words of affirmation and reinforce them with resources. I pour into women every day in various ways, from the students that I work with every day, to my group of amazing friends, to clients and family. I am the person to tell the women around me that they can do anything, and I equip myself with resources as to how they can achieve what they are striving for.
Editor's note: My cousin Anna is THAT woman. I have watched her blossom into such a heart-centered and brilliant visionary who can take a concept and give it life. She helped me launch my Using Words For Good Instagram account. Anna not only gave me the tools but also the confidence to trust my gut and test the waters. She is my fellow encourager, and I love her for that. Keep shining, cousin. You make me oh SO proud.
Miatta Tucker-Zaza
Licensed Zumba Instructor
Empowering Women 2 Feel Fitn’Fab4Life & Financially FREE + 60lbs Postpartum Transformation + Health & Fitness Coach + Zumba® Instructor + Therapist + Boy Mom + World Traveler + Singer + Lover of God, Love + People. Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook or via email at Miatta.fitnfab@gmail.com.

What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
The most rewarding part of walking in my calling is that it has allowed me to prove to myself, other women and other mamas that WE ARE WORTHY and that WE CAN MAKE THE TIME to care for ourselves the way we do others. This happens if we make the CHOICE to PRIORITIZE our health and wellbeing the way we do other people and the obligations we have in life!
Can you share a memorable moment in your career journey and what you learned from it?
A memorable moment was the day I took the leap of faith to become a Health and Fitness Accountability Coach despite questioning how I would manage my time being a full-time social worker, wife and mother of two children under the age of 5. I will never forget the words of my Coach, which is a big part of what helped me commit to starting this journey of showing up for myself and my health while walking with others in their journeys. She said, “Miatta, when you really want something for yourself, you will find a way to make the time and make it happen…” She was absolutely right!
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
My advice for current and aspiring business owners is to pour into yourself the way you pour into others. A big part of how I do that, besides showing up for my health, is through personal development books (which I listen to on Audible). I choose books focused on building a positive mindset, whether it be toward business, ending procrastination or other areas in which I wish to grow. I find that the tools I learn are applicable to all areas of my life and make me not only become more productive in my business but in other areas of my life.
My last piece of advice is that through the ups and downs that can come with owning a business, always stay connected to your WHY and never lose sight of what sparks your passion and makes it fun!
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
I am pouring into the lives of other women by showing others how fitness can be fun. As a Zumba Instructor, I help others see that when you choose something that’s fun for you, it doesn’t even feel like a workout. I also pour into women as a Health and Fitness Accountability Coach, by showing them how investing just 20-30 minutes of their day (shorter than a Netflix show) to work out regularly and dialing into their nutrition using satisfying and sustainable nutrition plans has a ripple effect. It benefits both our physical and mental health, which is not only a win-win for us but a win-win for our families!
Editor’s Note: Miatta is joy personified. She brings so much life, light and positive energy to her Zumba classes and all that she does. I’m a regular at Friday night virtual Zumba, and I look forward to the confidence, fun and moves she brings to each class. I also have the added pleasure of being Miatta’s neighbor, and I thank God for her! She is an encourager at heart and just an all-around AMAZING woman. Mark your calendars now for her upcoming classes. See you there!
Africa Price
Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer, Price Communications Strategies LLC
PC Strategies is a boutique public relations, marketing and communications firm. We strive to help our clients strategize media and communications opportunities that will help bring awareness to their brands through target-based strategies. Check out our website to learn more about the services we offer. We would love to do business with you! If we can be of service, please email us at info@pc-strategies.com.

What is the most difficult decision you’ve had to make to pursue your destiny?
The most difficult decision was to move beyond dreaming about starting a business, to stepping out on faith to pursue that dream. It is sometimes difficult to move into a direction where you believe you have calculated the best outcomes, but there are still unknowns.
What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
The most rewarding part of walking in our calling is seeing God move in a mighty way, once we exercise our faith to trust Him and finally move in the direction that He has been nudging us to go in for years. That’s truly a blessing.
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
Trust your gut, and you’ll know when it’s time to step out on faith. Your plan may not look like anyone else’s. You may have to continue working your full-time job as you grow your brand. Figure out the formula that works for you, and do not be afraid to adjust it along the way.
Trust the process. I believe it will work if you work it.
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
I enjoy encouraging women and young people to pursue their dreams, especially in the field of communication. I work as a mentor to female professionals in the communications field and college students who come through my classrooms during my work as an adjunct professor at area colleges and universities. I believe it is important to expose others to career possibilities and help them navigate the terrain along the way to realize their full potential.
Editor’s Note: Africa gave me my start way back when as a budding education reporter at the Shreveport Times in Louisiana. Seeing a strong, skilled, nurturing Black woman at the helm of THE local newspaper is an image I will never forget. She has style, she has grace, AND she helped plan my wedding along with the rest of the newsroom. She lifts others up as she climbs, and I am a product of her investments.
Junee Victor
Creator, La Kai Home Essentials
La Kai Home Essentials was made to promote self-care during the times we need it the most. It’s paramount to reset, and our Essentials are designed to create “me time.” Currently, Instagram and email (info@LaKaiHomes.com) are the best points of contact. We are currently in the testing phase, where supporters may have a chance to receive free, full-sized samples to help with testing.

What is the most difficult decision you’ve had to make to pursue your destiny?
Dedicating time specifically to work on my craft in the midst of having a full-time, around-the-clock job. I had to recognize that this transition will not happen overnight, especially with the kind of products that I decided to focus on. With candles, bath bombs and bubble bath, you constantly have to test your product. If it's raining, nine times out of 10 the bath bomb formula has to be adjusted based on the humidity. This is why I managed my expectations by creating a timeline to officially launch.
What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
Getting phone calls and text messages about the performance of my tester candles is a clear indicator that I am doing something right!
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
Start! Very cliché, I know. But if you are itching to do something, then the itch will still be there until you relieve it.
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
Patience, and leading with Love & Kindness. These are factors that are lacking, especially during COVID. Each of the products curated by La Kai Home Essentials is made with the intention for our clients to be Patient with themselves, Love themselves and be Kind to themselves.
Us ladies are the pillars and backbone of most households. We are sometimes made to feel that we can’t set time for ourselves because of the many people we have to care for. It’s OK to slow down and regroup, and this is what La Kai is used for.
Editor’s Note: You can’t see me beaming with pride right now, but that’s what happens when I think about Junee. She’s a friend, mentee and businesswoman with a stellar professional and educational background in hospitality. I first met Junee through her sister (one of my dear friends) while we attended the University of Central Florida. To see her SHINE and rise and step out on her dreams does my heart good! I’ve had the pleasure of testing her candles. You’ll definitely want to grab some when her product line is available for purchase.
Monique Ransom
Owner & Wig Maker, Empress Crowns Wig Boutique, "Empress Crowns LLC"
Empress Crowns Wig Boutique offers customized full lace and lace front wigs. We design wigs to meet the personal and cosmetic needs of women experiencing hair loss due to medical reasons, women looking for a protective style, or women who enjoy the flexibility of changing their hairstyle without manipulating their natural hair. Regardless of your reasons, our wigs are uniquely designed with you in mind! I can be reached on Instagram, via email at info@empresscrownsllc.com or by phone at 321-987-7395.
Women’s History Month special: I'll offer free virtual consultations throughout March and April for wig repair and wig construction services. You can find descriptions of my wig repair and wig construction services here: https://www.empresscrownsllc.com/lacewigs.

What is the most difficult decision you’ve had to make to pursue your destiny?
One of the most difficult decisions was to start! The entrepreneurship journey is exciting but intimidating because the steps for establishing a company are undefined. Therefore, it was challenging to determine how and where to start. Although I still contend with making difficult decisions in business, what drives me is knowing my steps will either lead me to success or teach me a valuable lesson.
What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
One of the most rewarding parts of my journey is using my wig-making skill to help women change their perceptions of themselves when experiencing medical hair loss. Most of my clients are women who experience medical hair loss due to chemotherapy treatment or partial or complete hair loss due to alopecia. Although hair does not define a woman's beauty, hair loss can negatively impact a woman's self-confidence. However, I'm able to restore women's confidence by creating custom wigs with the appearance of natural hairlines.
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
Do not allow perfectionism to hinder you from starting a business or pursuing a new idea. Perfect ideas are often implemented too late due to the time wasted trying to achieve perfection.
Instead of perfectionism, strive to be intentional and systematic, as it helps to understand the importance and purpose of your reasons for pursuing entrepreneurship.
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
I pour into the lives of other women by being a support system for them, empowering them to pursue new endeavors, and positively affirming them and their efforts in life, business, etc. It's essential for women to pour into the lives of other women because society can sometimes devalue her existence and her contributions. However, pouring into her life helps her understand the importance of her existence, contributions and beneficial impact on society.
Editor’s Note: Monique is the kind of friend you can vibe with through EVERY season! We saw Mary J. Blige live in concert together, and that sums up the beauty of our friendship. The genuine joy she has for other women winning is among the many dimensions of our friendship that I cherish. And the feelings are mutual. I vividly remember years ago us sitting around the table one evening with several women from our church. I posed this question to the group: What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What she shared was the vision for Empress Crowns Wig Boutique. Monique is every woman, and I’m rooting for her. Always!
Natania Busby
Lead Designer and Owner, Natania Styling and Designs
Natania Styling and Designs believes that everyone deserves a beautiful space. Don’t allow your budget to limit your creativity when you can have inviting and stunning home decor that reflects your style. I’d love to assist you. Connect with me on Instagram and YouTube. If you have any questions, please feel free to call (240-640-0986) or email NataniaStylingandDesign@gmail.com.

What is the most difficult decision you’ve had to make to pursue your destiny?
Self-doubt. I reassure myself constantly that I am walking in my purpose.
What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
Making my clients happy and satisfied and being able to do what I love.
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
Just start! There is never a perfect moment. Allow yourself to learn daily.
What does dreaming big look like for you?
Being authentic to yourself!! Don’t allow others to project their doubts on you.
Editor’s Note: Natania is a real one, AND I have the pleasure of calling her neighbor. Y’all, she lives right next door, and we always have an encouraging word or compliment to share when we see each other. Everything she touches, she makes better. She’s a creative at heart and a visionary. Her passion for helping others design a space they love is something I marvel at. I feel like a proud sister watching her walk in her purpose.
Jessica M. Martin
Founder/CEO, JM Business Solutions LLC
As a professional management and consulting firm, our team has over 40 years of combined experience in accounting, bookkeeping and business development services. For us, every encounter represents a relationship that creates and establishes new relationships. And we believe for every problem there is a solution, you just have to have the patience to find it. Let us take care of the backend operations and tedious tasks, leaving you more time to focus on the core services that your customers want and need. Connect with us at https://jmbsllc.com/.

What is the most difficult decision you’ve had to make to pursue your destiny?
To stay in business even when it was hard, especially when I knew I could make more money getting a job rather than struggling through the tough times.
There is always an opportunity to quit, but perseverance propels progress and progress drives toward change and change breeds success. When you are willing to change, to become better, you can’t help but succeed.
What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
A sense of peace with every encounter. Whether the encounter is good or bad, when you know you are doing what you were created to do you persevere with and without fear. The fear can’t stop you. The calling becomes an anchor in spite of opposition.
Can you share a memorable moment in your career journey and what you learned from it?
I did a design project that I made a huge mistake on, and it cost my client thousands of dollars. With grace, they allowed me to make monthly payments to reimburse them for the loss. It sticks out in my mind because no matter how big the error is, when you make relationships the priority, people are willing to overlook your mistakes. They actually didn’t want me to pay them back, but being the person that I am I insisted. They could’ve afforded the loss, but I couldn’t have that on my conscience. I truly valued the relationship.
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
Recognize that you will make mistakes, but quickly put them behind you. Do not keep them in your rearview. Mistakes can become ghosts that haunt your progress. Accept you made an error in judgment, fix it if you can. But if not, press forward and move on. Learn from the mistake, and keep moving forward.
What does dreaming big look like for you?
Coming out of my comfort zone of being a one-woman show. Hiring people and expanding my business all over the world. Building and equipping people to see their true potential in business and in life.
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
Every opportunity I do get I am willing to share my entire life story. The good, the bad and the ugly. I truly believe if my story, my experience can help someone, I want to share as much and as often as I can.
Editor’s Note: Jessica is so many things to me. A friend, an adviser, mentor, pastor and someone who loves my family immensely. I’ve gleaned so many life and leadership lessons from her over the years. I can laugh now, but I remember when she first asked me to lead corporate prayer at church! Oooooooweeeee. I lived to tell the story and realize those opportunities have been foundational for my growth. Jessica models the value of servant-leadership daily, and she doesn’t just dream big for herself. She speaks life and creates opportunities for others. Oh, how I LOVE my PJ!
Nishia Livingston
Licensed Professional Counselor, Tranquility Counseling Tx
My commitment is to listen, engage and encourage clients to identify working solutions for better health, peace of mind and desired outcomes. I encourage you to follow me on social media for an upcoming book release on affirmations and workshops for couples and much, much more.
Websites: Tranquilitycounselingtx.com; talk2Nishia.com
Instagram accounts: @tranquilitycounselingtx, @talk2Nishia

What is the most difficult decision you’ve had to make to pursue your destiny?
Resigning from a 9-5, stepping out on faith and launching a business in the heart of a pandemic. This was very challenging for me because I was accustomed to receiving a direct deposit bi-weekly. Stepping out on faith meant not knowing how consistent I would be able to meet my obligations. By God's grace and mercy, He has and continues to sustain me.
What is the most rewarding part of walking in your calling?
The most rewarding part of my calling is seeing how God is walking with me every step of the way as I serve people He sends my way. In addition, it’s also rewarding to bear witness to the changes clients are willing to make by taking ownership and investing in their lives. It is an honor and pleasure to meet people where they are along their journey while serving God at the same time. I realize I am a work in progress. However, I embrace being humble while striving to be a servant-leader and inspiring others to do the same.
What advice do you have for current and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs?
I like to encourage aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs to:
Acknowledge their fears
Reflect over their past accomplishments and failures
Write out a plan and post it in areas to remind them of their goals
Identify who they would like to have on their support team to encourage them through the good, bad and ugly of being a business owner
Execute their plan and evaluate progress monthly, quarterly or yearly
Embrace creativity and dreams, be bold and color outside of the lines, and strive to leave a positive imprint in your industry — but most importantly in the lives of those they serve
How are you pouring into the lives of other women?
I strive to incorporate a judgment-free, safe and restorative environment for clients to work through life challenges.
Editor’s Note: Nishia is one of the AMAZING women I met while working at the Shreveport Times. Anyone who meets Nishia will never forget the warmth of her voice and how she made them feel. She’s also part of the crew that made my wedding a day to remember. I had been at the paper for less than a month! Talk about colleagues becoming family. I have had the pleasure of seeing Nishia combine her God-given talents in communications, writing, counseling, listening and pouring into others to launch new endeavors and ways of connecting with people. I’m so proud to call her friend.